Tuesday 23 February 2010

At least my face matched

I’m a bad person. I’ve been cheating majorly on my beloved for the last two days. I cant even believe I’m admitting this to the world.

Uggs; while I’ve cherished all the time we’ve enjoyed together, I am eternally sorry, but I’ve got to move on and experience new shoes.

You’ve been great. Warm. Comfortable. Reliable. Not to mention beautiful too.

The difficulty of course with (not quite) replacing my Uggs (as I will no doubt sheepishly return to them as the cold weather annoyingly continues) is what I will wear instead? Wellington boots? No, its not monsoon season. High heels? Far too much effort for ones liking, particularly for casual attire. Trainers? I wish, but I would be branded a social outcast…

So two days ago, I went shopping.

I browsed.

I tried on.

I debated.

And then, I purchased.

The problem with the new shoes is that they don’t cover my feet. Where I could just slip into my Uggs with any old socks on, I feel as thought I now must make more of an effort.

Thus, I have now started using special body lotion. What makes it special I anticipate you asking? It allows me to ‘achieve a healthy, sun-kissed look without the worry of sun damage’. Yasss, ya beauty! What more could you want? Well, it would be nice if it was instant… “apply daily to gradually build a light tan”. Oh great. A few days of my feet looking nearly see-through? Nuh-huuu. Don’t think so. Desperate times…desperate measures…

“Hello, Bronzing Powder? Is that you?”

“Yes Feet, I don’t think we’ve ever met before, its lovely to finally be introduced”

“Indeed Bronzing Powder, enchanté

Extreme.com? Probably. It would have been nice too if I had managed to apply evenly over both feet.

Oh well.

At least my face matched.

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